Are you looking for a way to create recurring passive income? This eBook shows you the exact steps to generate profitable eBooks for FREE with ChatGPT even if you are a new creator!
AI eBook Generator Guide
Enjoy recurring passive income from eBook sales
Create once and sell your eBooks over and over again
Exact ChatGPT prompts to create your eBook in minutes
Well, the good news is that you can now use ChatGPT to do the work for you just like I did with this eBook!

In this eBook I give you the EXACT prompts to type into ChatGPT to create an eBook you can sell yourself on a blog, on social media or on a huge platform like Amazon KDP. All you need to do is edit the prompts with your own niche ideas!
I used to want to write and sell eBooks to make money but always felt exhausted at the thought of actually writing the book. Maybe you have felt the same, with limited time after work?
How would you like to make an extra $2,000 a month in your spare time?
Well, some online creators would puff up their chest and make unrealistic claims that you can earn $20,000 a month in a few weeks.

I'm not going to do that.

Selling eBooks can be a learning curve when you're starting out and you might not earn immediately. You will have to spend time in the trial and error phase and dedicate time to promoting what you create.

But, this AI eBook generator guide will show you how to create your eBooks FAST allowing ChatGPT to do all the work.

So, if you're a bit lazy like me and want the easy path to eBook creation, you should buy this eBook from me :)
Why should you buy this eBook from me?
The benefits of buying this eBook generator guide include:

- Help you create multiple passive income streams
- Get tons of eBook ideas from ChatGPT that are profitable
- Create whole eBooks FAST from idea to creation without writing anything
- Have an eBook ready to sell in a few hours
- Build a digital download empire that sets you free from your 9-5

What are the benefits of this AI eBook generator guide?
Click ''Get Yours Now'' and start generating profitable eBooks with ChatGPT.
AI eBook Generator Guide: Create Passive Income with Books Fast
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AI eBook Generator Gude
Learn how to create and sell simple eBooks with ChatGPT. Make recurring passive income with your own eBook empire.
  • Value 1: Overview of how to use ChatGPT                   
  • Value 2: 11 copy and paste prompts to create your own eBook fast
  • Value 3: Guide on how to create eBook cover designs in ChatGPT
By buying now you get:
ChatGPT and AI can make you huge amounts of money if you take the time to learn how to use them.

Utilize this guide to make ChatGPT work for you and build a financially free future.
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